Projects & Institutions

The creative city of Gangneung will foster the cultural industry
and advance sustainable development based on "Gangneung Culture and Food Culture."

Gastronomic Education & Projects

Various Food Projects in Gangneung

Education on dietary culture enhancement

Education on dietary culture enhancement provides inhabitants with great local agrifood, raises the incomes of local farmers, stimulates the use of local food, and offers safe food. Major programs include operating classes to improve dietary life and health for the socially disadvantaged, the "Right Tables for the Age of a Hundred" Campaign, and Gangneung Rice Tteokbokki Day.

  • The "Right Tables for a Bright Hundred Years" Campaign

  • education on dietary habits for teachers at childcare centers and schools

  • education programs on dietary habits by life cycle

  • classes for dietary health improvement for the elderly

Gangneung Traditional Food School's Traditional Food Curriculum

It is a professional education course specializing in traditional food culture and local food, programs to foster experts who inherit traditional food culture and local food utilizing local agricultural products and making homemade beer and traditional liquor, as well as courses for local food utilization, Korean desserts, fermented preserved food, herbal therapies, homemade bread, and traditional sauce making, among others.

  • Classes for healthy recipes

  • local food utilization

  • sauce making

Education on Food Hygiene

Education on the courtesies of the food service industry

Lifelong Learning and Cooking Classes in Gangneung

Training for licensed Korean food chefs, low-carbon green table making, cooking novices (males only), and licensed confectionery makers are provided to the general public.

The lifelong learning center for cooking novices (males)

Restaurant Projects for Healthy Meals

It selects restaurants using Gangneung local food as healthy meals to award signboards, help with website advertising, and more.

  • Campaigns to distribute signboards

  • run publicities for restaurants offering healthy meals

The National Contest of Gangneung Local Cuisines

Contests for menu development employing Gangneung's local specialties

Local Dining Projects with Gangneung Gourmet Guides

Gangneung Food Festival

Cooking shows, performances, trials, exhibitions, local food sales and tastings, cooking classes, etc.

Sacheon Beach Summer Cook Festival

Gangneung Sacheon Beach/seafood cooking shows, performances, Korean traditional snack cooking and tasting events, food stamp rallies, etc.

Gangneung Dessert Product Development Contest

  • Odaltteok
  • Smile Potato Sand Cookies
  • Chodang Sand Cookies

Local Food Product Development Contest

Potato hangwa/ Coffee and with Potatoes/ Gangneung Castor Aralia glutinous rice bread, five grains & brown rice vegan bread