Food & Festivals

The creative city of Gangneung will foster the cultural industry
and advance sustainable development based on "Gangneung Culture and Food culture."

Food Festivals

A Variety of Food Festivals in Gangneung

Gangneung is a city where the mountains and the sea cohabit, and traditional cuisines use ingredients from both the mountains and the sea. Since this clean city is famous for the flavor of tea ceremonies, coffee, beer, and makgeolli (rice wine) thanks to its good-quality water, food, and alcohol festivals have been well developed.

  • Gangneung Coffee Festival

    100 People &100 Tastes features hand-drip performances, coffee awards, seminars, and more

  • Gangneung Wine Festival

    Wine sales booths, wine sunset hours (wine fairs and tastings), and other activities are offered to vitalize Gangneung's wine culture.

  • Gangneung Beach Beer Festival

    Craft beer sales booths from all over the nation, sales of local restaurant menu items, various performances, DJ parties, and more are available.

  • Gangneung Noodle Festival

    Gangneung's traditional and worldwide noodle tastings, noodle cooking lessons, noodle cooking contests, and other activities are offered.

  • Chodang Gourmet Road Festival

    Chodang tofu tastings, flea markets, Chodang treasure hunts, busking performances, and more can be enjoyed.

  • Local Food & Bakery Festival

    National bakery awards, local food sales, making and tasting huge cakes, and other activities are available.

  • Squid Festival/Castor Aralia Festival

    Gangneung Speciality Festival